CLIO Verein für Geschichts- und Bildungsarbeit / Grätzelinitiative Margaretenbad

Terror und Erinnerung: NS-Institutionen und Orte des Widerstands im Bezirk Geidorf

​(Terror and Memory: National Socialist Institutions and Places of Resistance in the Geidorf District)

Immediately following the National Socialist annexation of Austria in March 1938, all the institutions of the Nazi regime that had penetrated Germany’s entire society since 1933 and were responsible for persecution and terror there were also installed in Graz.  Beginning in 1938, new agencies and public authorities were also created, which concentrated primarily on the persecution of the Jewish population.  Many of these institutions had prominent addresses in the city center; interestingly, however, many of them were also located in the third municipal district, in Geidorf. No visible traces remain today: seventy-five years later, the former Nazi presence in the district is invisible. For the past several years, individual people from the district who resisted the regime have been memorialized – albeit restrainedly – with a few Stolpersteine (stumbling stones).

We wish to resurrect the memory of the few visible, but many now invisible sites through:
– walking tours through the Geidorf district, in which we recount the stories of places and events during the Nazi era;
– a brochure and city map describing these locations as well as a digital version for our website;
– temporary marking with plaques in public spaces.

19.9., 25.9., 11:00
5.10., 17:00

Walking tour

Meeting point:
Landessportzentrum Steiermark
Jahngasse 3, 8010 Graz

Free admission

Supported by steirischer herbst ’21