Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz
Es schlägt 13
Kulturen und Religionen im “Triesterviertel”
(When the Clock Strikes 13: Cultures and Religions in the “Triesterviertel”)

Markus Wilfling, Die ewige Lust am Spielen mit den Zahlen, photo: Alexandra Gschiel
Child-eating elites, alternative election results, esoteric promises of salvation: the new millennium seems to be turning away from science and information on a grand scale. Wouldn’t it just be more logical to engage with prescientific explanations of the world rather than desperately searching for answers to QAnon? On the occasion of its 13th anniversary, Schaumbad immerses itself in the world of numbers and embarks on a search for intersections and areas of friction between religions and cultures—for instance, ideologies and traditions of thought.
Artists from the Freies Atelierhaus and their colleagues explore the district with the highest migration rates in the city. Between the mosque, the African free church House of Prayer Mission, and the Catholic church of St. Johannes, in backyards, parks, and pubs, projects are being developed that address Schaumbad’s neighborhood through shared “deeds, words, and works.”
Artists: Alexandra Gschiel, hoelb/hoeb, Maryam Mohammadi, Keyvan Paydar, Markus Wilfling
20.9., 19:00
Der Lange Tag der Demenz, panel discussion on approaches to dementia in different religious communities
Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz
Puchstrasse 41, 8020 Graz
partly ♿
Tue–Sun 14:00–19:00, and upon appointment via schaumbad [at] or t +43 (0) 664 355 78 30
Free admission
Opening: 9.9., 12:00, with performances and actions by: Alexandra Gschiel (was bleibt); Vera Hagemann + 12 Weitere (a baker’s dozen—ritueller initiationsmoment in 13 minuten und 4 phasen) for Maryam Mohammadi and Keyvan Paydar’s artwork; hoelb/hoeb (Korridor)
Der Tag, der in der Handtasche verschwand. hoelb/hoeb auf der Suche nach Spuren der Orientierung
19.10., 10:00–22:00
Triester Hafennest
Auf der Tändelwiese, 8020 Graz
20.9. 19:00: Der Lange Tag der Demenz, panel discussion on approaches to dementia in different religious communities
2.10., 18:00–1:00: tours and performances on the occasion of the ORF-Lange Nacht der Museen
Curated by Elke Murlasits and Eva Ursprung
Thanks to Islamisches Kulturzentrum, House of Prayer Mission, Steirische Alzheimerselbsthilfe SALZ
For the good brunch bread, we’d like to thank Bäckerei Brandl in Herrgottwiesgasse 78.
Supported by Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport (BMKÖS); Kulturamt der Stadt Graz; Land Steiermark Kultur, Europa, Außenbeziehungen; StAF; and steirischer herbst ’21