Festival within the festival: STUBENrein 2021

neue horizonte
(new horizons)

© Gunilla Plank

Schloss Lind
St. Marein bei Neumarkt, 8820 Neumarkt in der Steiermark

Benediktinerstift St. Lambrecht
Hauptstraße 1, 8813 St. Lambrecht

The partially involuntary change of perspective experienced in 2020 prompted us—STUBENrein 2021, the cultural festival of the Murau District—to think about the following questions in a completely new way: What role does a temporary project play in the sociopolitical fabric of a rural area? What roles do we assign ourselves as cultural workers? After five years of organizing festivals, to what extent are we trapped in familiar and proven patterns, and what new possibilities and horizons might open up if we refine or change our viewpoints?

The festival, which was originally designed for small spaces, already left the “living room” interior spaces last year and moved outdoors (or into virtual spaces). Now a wasteland lies before us—one which we do not want to cultivate, but instead would like to explore: What do we notice? What influences our actions? Are we observers, actors or witnesses to history . . . ? And do we always have to “perform”?  

To this end there is, for example, a large-scale research project that calls upon people to present scholarly works about the region. In addition, we explore the desire for knowledge of intoxication as well as the underestimated potential of prayer, suppressed aspects of recent history, or the seldom consciously perceived sounds and noises of places. On 18 September, we will present a preliminary summary in a large-scale performance at Schloss Lind.

Program details: www.kulturspielraeume.at

STUBENrein idea: Andreas Staudinger

Program developers 2021: Andreas Staudinger, Uli Vonbank-Schedler, Gunilla Plank

Coproduced with steirischer herbst ʼ21,
Holzwelt Murau, and das ANDERE heimatmuseum